Unfortunately, we have many FHES Foxes living with food insecurity. Do you want to help our Care and Share program meet this vital need? With food donations from you, this program ensures that Fort Hunt students at risk of weekend hunger receive a bag (backpack) of food that is child-friendly, nutritious, nonperishable and easy to prepare/eat.
Each school year we were able to help over 40 Fort Hunt students each week as well as, provide 40 families with Holiday meal bags at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break.
To help, please donate ready-to-eat foods like the items listed below. We are especially in need of lunch/dinner items. Donations may be dropped off in the front office. For additional donations and/or to order online please see our Care & Share Wish List. If you prefer to write a check, please write it out to 'Ft Hunt PTA' and note 'Care and Share' in the memo line.
Suggested food donations:
• Individual serving cereal boxes
• Breakfast bars (i.e. milk & cereal bars, NutriGrain bars)
• Milk (shelf-stable milk such as Horizon or Kirkland)
• Tuna/Chicken Salad Kits with Crackers
• Chef Boyardee microwavable meals
• Mac & Cheese cups
• Individual microwavable soup cups
• Hormel Chili cups
• Individual peanut butter packages (e.g. Jif to go)
• Granola bars
• Raisin & Craisin snack packs
• Fruit cups in juice (e.g. mandarin oranges, peaches, pineapple)
• Applesauce cup or squeezer
• Individual serving size crackers
• Cheese & cracker packs
The Backpack Food Drive will run continuously for the entire school year. Watch for new events targeting other “real needs” throughout the year. For more info contact Katherine Weatherley via
Thank you for your help in making this program a success!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
- Thursday, April 17
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Wednesday, April 23